How do I end my subscription?

Want to close this account, please let me know the process.


  • Hi Kamaluddin,
    Thanks so much for getting in touch!

    There are three ways you can cancel your subscription:
    • Calling our Customer Service Team at 0771-22 55 22 – this is the quickest way to cancel your subscription
    • Sending an email to notifying us that you would like to cancel your lottery ticket including clearly stating your name and customer number or personal identification number
    • If you pay by card or direct debit (autogiro), you can also cancel your lottery ticket by logging on to ‘Mina Sidor’ via BankID on our website.
    Please note that we do not handle subscription changes in our customer forum.

    Thank you for participating in the lottery and enabling our ​beneficiaries​​​ to do their fantastic work.

    Kind regards,
    (Uppdaterad )
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